BE NEAR TO JESUS! That is what a life of worship is all about! We talked about not allowing our worship to get lazy. Each day we should be more passionate and in awe of who God is. But this involves us being in relationship with our Father. Many people want deep without the dedication. It's time to unleash your worship.
“To hunger and thirst after righteousness is when nothing in the world can fascinate us so much as being near God.” What fascinates you? Is it God? It's time to strengthen your dedication. Here are two things to keep in mind.
Worship is not activity, it is intimacy. It is about proximity and relationship with him. How do you get to know him? In prayer, in His Word, in silence, etc. God just wants to be close with you, he wants you to walk with him. That is what you were created to do!
Worship reminds us God is bigger than us and our problems. There is a God and I'm not him. Knowing this keeps us leaning on God and helps to shift our perspective. God is in control and bigger than any problem that we face. Set your eyes on him. Our words and our actions should worship God.
It's a new week - take time to do some inventory and honest soul searching. Here are some questions to get you thinking and reflecting so you can move into action:Is God my first priority? In all areas of my life?
Do I need to repent of anything? What does God's word say I should do instead?
Where/how can I spend more time with him?
Is there something I need to give up and something I need to add in?
God is your GOOD FATHER. He loves you and wants to be in relationship with you.